iTAAP providing a revolutionary approach to more effectively managing asset acquisition to asset lifecycle management while driving accountability.
iTAAP automates the highly segmented workflow through connecting all parties through our API Gateway eliminating the need for multiple parties manually entering data into different systems. We provide financial visibility from both a historical and forwarding view of the cost of the asset.
iTAAP Process:
- iTAAP gateway connects with the provider to digitally share the bill of materials based upon the reseller request from the customer’s requirements (source Data copy 1)
- Reseller creates a customer quote based upon the providers bill of materials eliminating the need to enter data manually -
- Quotes are shared via the iTAAP platform creating a centralized view for the reseller and the customer teams to provide transparency and clarity on changes that occur as the bill of materials evolves.
- Customers can leverage the API gateway to seamless onboard assets into a Change Management Database and/or financial systems
- Customer can leverage iTAAP to track order fulfillment details, view historical spend and plan based upon asset renewal
Reseller Workflow and Access All iTAAP users having rights can see this workflow
Customer Workflow and Access All iTAAP customer users having rights can see this workflow
IT Procurement is an extremely fragmented process due to the multiple parties involved and how information is exchanged amongst all parties.
Today’s Process:
- The provider will share a bill of materials with the reseller based upon the reseller request based on the customer’s requirements (source data Copy 1)
- The reseller will manually enter this data into multiple systems and share a quote with the customer via email (Reseller Data Copy 2)
- The customer will email quotes to the project team, and at time of purchase manually enter data into their systems. (Customer Data copy 3)
- Once purchase is complete - customer relies upon reseller for all tracking information and will need to comb through emails to look at historical spend
This entire process is time consuming, highly error prone, and very financially ambiguous.
Reseller Workflow and Access Fragmented communication
Customer Workflow and Access Only what is provided by the reseller and managed by the customer
- Presentations/Spreadsheets/Email tracking between various groups with the organization and reseller
- Annual spend/forecasting/budgeting is maintained by the customer
- Maintenance and Assets are maintained by Customer and Manufacturer
- Asset lifecycle tracking from time to purchase, to decommissioning is very segmented due to the current flow of information